Energy and Capital Archives

Landing Trophy Bass and Picking Winning Stocks Is One and the Same

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted December 22, 2020

They say 10% of anglers catch 90% of the fish, and the same can be said of the stock market. Energy and Capital editor Sean McCloskey discusses the similarities between fishing and investing and...

Seven Predictions for the New Year

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 21, 2020

It’s that time of year when we start to think about eggnog, beef Wellington, and last year's stock market predictions. I did pretty well if I say so myself, and that despite being blindsided by...

Gold Loves Me, Gold Loves Me Not

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 20, 2020

Gold and the U.S. dollar are perceived as always having an inverse relationship. That is, when the value of one goes up, the value of the other goes down. But that's only kind of true. The...

Minting New Millionaires — A 5G Space Race for the Ages

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted December 17, 2020

Our technological future hinges upon a convergence of numerous technologies, not one singular breakthrough. 5G is one of the pillars of this new technological age. Energy and Capital editor Sean...

How I Made a 1,200% Gain on a Single Psychedelics Stock

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 16, 2020

Last week, editor Jeff Siegel told you about a very exciting stock. It’s a play in the burgeoning psychedelics medicine market, and last week members of his Green Chip Stocks community were...

Nailed It (Almost): 2020 Market Predictions Recap

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 14, 2020

It’s that time of year when we stock market pontificators write about what we expect in the new year. But first let's see how we did with last year's estimates. It turns out that even with the...

The Name Game: From “Global Warming” to “Climate Change”

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 13, 2020

Most of you will remember that “climate change” used to be called “global warming.” But before that, it had another name: “inadvertent climate modification.” Energy and Capital editor...

Investing in the Shroom Boom With These Psychedelic Mushroom Stocks

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted December 9, 2020

It’s hard to believe that we went from an all-out prohibition on psychedelics back in the 1970s to a rush to get the FDA to approve new psychedelics treatments for mental illness. But that’s...

This Cold-Storage Stock Is Heating up Fast

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted December 8, 2020

Normally on Wednesdays, Keith Kohl brings you his latest market insights. But over the next few weeks, while he hunts down your next round of opportunities for 2021, editor Sean McCloskey will be...

Fashion Plates and Market Darlings

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted December 7, 2020

The market is overextended. The Nasdaq is running above the top Bollinger Band. Total market cap-to-GDP has never been higher. IPOs are running hot, mergers are gangbusters, and speculation is...

Best-Performing Metal of COVID-19 (It's Not Gold or Silver)

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted December 6, 2020

Precious metals have been one of the top-performing asset classes amid the coronavirus pandemic. But there's one metal that has gone gangbusters throughout the crisis, with prices rocketing...

As Crude Prices Rise, These Three Companies Should Offer Fast Profits

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted December 3, 2020

Crude prices rose across the board on Thursday and are in the green by roughly a quarter-percent leading into today’s open. But this is just the beginning of a much larger run-up. These are the...