Energy and Capital Archives

The Most Misunderstood Investment in the U.S. (and It’s Not Bitcoin)

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 9, 2021

All it took was one swift stroke of a pen, and President Biden ended a 13-year war against the Keystone XL pipeline.

5G-Volta and What Could Be 2021's Most Explosive Stock

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted February 8, 2021

5G-Volta is the biggest 5G story of 2021 that no one is talking about. And the company behind it could be the most explosive 5G stock of the year too.

Marshalls and Ross Have Outperformed Walmart and Target

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted February 7, 2021

Over the past 10 years, the TJX Companies (NYSE: TJX) — the parent company of Marshalls, TJ Maxx, and HomeGoods — has seen an impressive 90%+ increase in net sales. As a result, share prices of...

26 Million Americans Are Asking Themselves This One Question

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted February 4, 2021

Nearly $7 billion hinges on a single event. That's a lot of money moving in one day. Here's why editor Sean McCloskey is going long on gambling stocks.

Investing in Psychedelic Medicines That Could Treat Alzheimer’s

Written by Jeff Siegel
Posted February 3, 2021

Editor Jeff Siegel isn’t saying psychedelics represent a “miracle cure,” but they're about the closest thing he’s ever seen, which is why he’s been loading up the boat since 2019. Here's...

The Most Unexpected Rally in 2021 Will Be Oil

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted February 2, 2021

The end of crude oil is nigh. At least, that's what we've been told over and over again, isn't it? Energy and Capital editor Keith Kohl takes a closer look at why oil prices will rally in 2021.

The Mob Takes Down Another Fool

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted February 1, 2021

After the mob blew up some hedge funds, much ink was spilled about how the little guy “stuck it to the man.” But what goes up must come down eventually...

Looking for the Next GameStop?

Written by Luke Burgess
Posted January 31, 2021

It's clear that narratives are partly driving the GameStop saga. But there is something more than narratives driving the mania... something less obvious. Why did the r/WallStreetBets subreddit...

3 Takeaways From the GME Army's Short Squeeze on Wall Street

Written by Sean McCloskey
Posted January 28, 2021

The last week of January 2021 will go down in history as the day Main Street investors were finally able to stick it to Wall Street. But moving forward, what will happen? Today, we reveal the three...

The Greatest Short Squeeze Ever Occurred in 1922

Written by Brian Hicks
Posted January 27, 2021

Right now, financial and social media are focused on the drama playing out on Wall Street. There’s a war going on between online “social justice warrior” day traders and professional hedge...

How President Biden Is Single-Handedly Saving the Oil Industry

Written by Keith Kohl
Posted January 26, 2021

Which sector will have the strongest performance under President Biden? The answer will surprise you.

Check out These Blank-Check Companies

Written by Christian DeHaemer
Posted January 25, 2021

There is a lot of money to be made chasing momentum stocks and investments in the late stages of bull markets, but it’s not for widows and orphans, as they say.