AI Isn't Going Anywhere Without This

Alex Koyfman

Written By Alex Koyfman

Posted September 14, 2024

Dear Reader,

For any new technology to make a real impact on society, its effects need to be felt at ground level. 

In the case of artificial intelligence, I witnessed that moment take place with my own eyes last week. 

A bit of background first:

In the winter of 2022, my wife and I took a Ukrainian refugee into our home to help her get settled, put down some roots, and begin the process of applying for a green card. 

Oksana spoke no english, possessed minimal computer skills, and had maybe a few hundred dollars to her name.

When we saw her last week, she shocked us with news that she’d recently published her third children’s coloring book on Amazon — in English.

And unbeknownst to me, I had already seen her work in hard copy format. Two weeks earlier, while babysitting our 3 year old son for the evening, Oksana left one of these coloring books behind as a gift. 

When I saw it on our coffee table, I figured it was just some mass produced product she’d picked up at a grocery store and didn’t give it another thought. 

AI For The Masses Is Here?

Turns out that Oksana had used ChatGPT to create this book, all 80 pages of it, cover to cover, complete with pictures of 40 dog breeds, along with a paragraph describing each one at a first grade reading level. 

No English. Minimal computing skills. No money. This woman taught herself to publish professional-quality content using a free technology. 

That is the power of AI, and by all accounts, this is still just the very beginning of the revolution — think in terms of what Ford’s Model T was to the automobile industry. 

That is where we stand today.

The future, as imagined by the likes of Altman, Gates, Zuckerberg and despite dire warnings by Elon Musk, will be virtually ruled by AI — and I don’t mean that in a dystopian technological enslavement sense, either. 

Small decisions to streamline our lives, from routes to take to work to surgical methodology, will be guided by AI. 

It will become seamless with all other technologies and simply exist, ubiquitous, to optimize and enhance everything on the go. 

That’s what we’ve been taught to expect. 

Thermodynamics: The End of Moore’s Law?

The problem with all that is expecting AI to simple scale up, at the same rate it has been, is simply ignorant to the laws of thermodynamics. 

The computing power necessary to turn our chaotic world into a mechanism of trillions of thinking moving parts will make what we have today look like the early industrial revolution by comparison. 

Processors will not only need to become more numerous, but smaller, as more and more of them will need to be packed into smaller spaces. 

That’s where Moore’s law comes in. 

Most are familiar with the general premise: That chip density will double every year or so, but what most people might not know is that Gordon Moore, who authored this hypothesis in 1965, didn’t envision it progressing far beyond ten years. 

Here is the actual quote published in his 1965 Electronics Magazine editorial:

The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year. Certainly over the short term this rate can be expected to continue, if not to increase. Over the longer term, the rate of increase is a bit more uncertain, although there is no reason to believe it will not remain nearly constant for at least 10 years.

In fact, in that same editorial, the prediction which made him famous — 65,000 components within a single semiconductor — only forecasted chip density ten years out. 

AI’s Missing Puzzle Piece Is Here

We are now almost 50 years past that point, and though the increase in computing power has continued to explode more or less in line with Gordon Moore’s 59 year old hypothesis, there is a wall approaching which will require a technological revolution in its own right to overcome. 

That wall is thermal buildup, and is as old and constant a problem as it is seemingly insurmountable. 

Heat will result from any chemical or physical interaction. It’s a law of the universe which cannot be broken. 

What can be done, however, is the introduction of new materials capable of dissipating heat on new levels. 

All of these problems were as theoretical as their solutions up until a few years ago, when the AI revolution started to roll. 

Today, we’re about to hit the vertical portion of the hockey stick in terms of AI development and implementation. 

All of that will not be possible without this solution to the heat problem. 

The company is small now, but you’d better believe that some of the biggest names in tech are eyeing it already. 

Early investors have already pocketed 3x gains as shares exploded earlier this year. 

Don’t miss the next wave. 

Check out my presentation, right here.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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