Did Congress Do Something Right?

Alex Koyfman

Written By Alex Koyfman

Updated September 18, 2024

In a time when battle lines and party lines are almost always one and the same, it’s inspiring to see our leadership work together on something that will have a positive impact on life in the future. 

I’m talking about the ADVANCE Act (Accelerating Deployment of Versatile, Advanced Nuclear for Clean Energy Act of 2023).

This 6 title act authorizes a sweeping list of changes and enhancements to current nuclear policy, including expansions of Nuclear Regulatory Commission power, streamlining deployment for new technologies, and incentives for the development of new nuclear infrastructure. 

American Nuclear EAC

The bill won the house by a vote of 393-13, and the Senate by a vote of 88-2, marking one of the most significant bipartisan successes in recent Congressional history. 

Of course you probably didn’t hear much about it, as good news rarely gets much attention these days. But the passage of the ADVANCE Act represents a milestone for the American energy industry, and is an early catalyst for one of the biggest investment opportunities available in todays retail investment universe. 

Nuclear Stocks Headed For A Golden Era

Let me explain.

The nuclear industry is in the midst of a quiet revolution, even as you read this.

And as modern trends dictate, we’re turning away from the massive, cumbersome, city-sized plants of the 20th century, and moving towards the smaller, cleaner, less obtrusive. 

You may have heard about small modular reactors (SMR) by now. 

SMRs are compact powerplants capable of delivering up to 300 Megawatts of power — enough to power about 60,000 – 80,000 American households. 

SMRs of this size would be contained in relatively small buildings with small exclusion zones (in contrast to a 10 mile safety radius for large-scale plants), and produce no CO2. 

But SMRs get even smaller than that, going all the way down to cargo container-sized ‘microreactors’, which could be transported or stacked to meet just about any client demand. 

Small and microreactors have the capacity to power military bases, hospitals, and communities ranging in size from residential complexes to small cities.


Next Generation Nuclear Stocks: From Science Project To Billions In Investment

These ideas were theoretical just a few years ago, but are now starting to approach practical functionality. 

Major corporate entities like General Electric are already moving forward with plans to commercialize their own SMRs, and a whole legion of startups has been formed to pursue the idea. 

Among the leaders of this quiet revolution are OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Silicon Valley Emperor Bill Gates. 

Both have ventures in place to develop SMR technology to power the future of AI, which is expected to become the most energy-hungry technology ever created. 

Gates’s Terrapower recently broke ground on its first SMR in Wyoming, and Altman’s Oklo is expecting to bring its first reactors online by 2030.

So that’s what’s happening, and like I said, you’re probably not hearing much about it. 

Now, here’s where things get dicey. 

All Roads Lead Back To This Nuclear Stock

We know nuclear is important. It already provides ⅕ of our domestic energy needs and is the only form of clean energy capable of replacing fossil fuels in the long run

We know it’s about to get a massive push, both from the legislative side as well as from the venture capital side. 

What we don’t know is who will succeed. No new venture, regardless of who’s behind it, is guaranteed to work. 

So there is risk in making a choice, but there is also a way around that risk. 

Because regardless of who takes us into the next phase of our nuclear power evolution, they will need one thing; nuclear fuel to make it all happen. 

And not just any fuel, but a specialized, highly refined form of Uranium which is uniquely suited to operating inside small, super-efficient next generation reactors. 

At the moment, American nuclear fuel production operates at a decades-low capacity. 

Once-In-A-Generation Opportunity From The American Energy Sector

Almost all of the uranium we use to power our reactors, including the ones running the jewel of our navy — our carrier fleet, comes from abroad. 

american Uranium

In fact, up until earlier this year, almost a quarter of our national Uranium supply came from none other than Putin’s Russia. 

In all, almost half of our supply originated in former Soviet republics.

That’s how bad the nuclear fuel supply situation is right now. 

Now… Here’s the opportunity. At this very moment, there is only one company operating in the U.S. that’s licensed to produce the kind of high grade fuel that SMRs require.

That company, like the rest of the industry, is flying under the radar, but unlike any company in the sector, it stands virtually alone at an absolutely vital point in the supply chain. 

It’s highly undervalued right now, but as this story ramps up, that won’t last. 

Get informed now, before this train runs away.

Fortune favors the bold,

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Alex Koyfman

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